Kids Corner
Click through each of the products below to find all the relevant nutritional information. If there is anything more you’d like to know, please feel free to contact us, or drop into your local café.
Eggs on Toast |
Fairy Bread | Vegemite Sandwich |
Peanut Butter Sandwich |
Strawberry Jam Sandwich | Honey Sandwich |
Cheesy Fingers |
Ham Sandwich | Ham and Cheese Sandwich |
Ham, Cheese and Tomato Sandwich | Cheese and Tomato Toasted Sandwich | Creamy Chicken and Tomato Pasta |
Chicken Noodles | Penne Napolitano | Chicken, Cheese and Corn Crepe (LG) |
Spaghetti Bolognese | Pikelet Stacks with Bananas and Choc-chips | Pikelet Stacks with Blueberries and Honey |
Beef Taco |
Kids Pizza Bites |